Here’s our process. The arrowhead’s leaves change shape as the plant grows, which gives you nice variety. When indoors they can be mounted in a basket or plank with a small amount of compost or peat. Chinese evergreens are a great “first-time” indoor plant for beginners. You have to keep this plant pruned because it’s kind of like the ugly duckling in reverse. Give one a try soon. See customer reviews >> 5. This Italian houseplant can live in partial shade, but you can’t keep the vine in dim lighting forever, at least not if you want to see its flowers. Easy to grow plants such as the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), snake plant (Sansevieria), and dumb canes (Dieffenbachia) are perfect examples of houseplants that grow well in poor light situations. Here’s a list of the best low light indoor trees: Areca Palm; Lady Palm; Dragon Tree; Rubber Plant; Neanthe Bella Palm; Janet Craig Dracena; Corn Plant; Kentia Palm; As you can see, many varieties of palm and Dracena do well in low light. 9 Air-Purifying Indoor Houseplants That Are Hard to Kill. A close cousin of Pothos, philodendron is just as attractive and carefree. FYI: Pothos is toxic to pets and mildly toxic to humans. 7. Otherwise, houseplants would look more like white asparagus, which is grown under layers of mulch and dark plastic to … The Kadsura japonica, often just called the Kadsura, is native to Japan’s woodlands. They eventually brown and whither before they’re replaced by new growth. Little may you know that you can let the houseplant nicknamed the devil’s ivy climb your walls if that’s how you prefer to grow it. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. See a certified medical professional for diagnosis. How About Another? You have to keep the temperature and humidity fairly high with these guys. Most indoor vines grow well in bright, indirect light and average room temperatures between … Plant it in a container that is wide and shallow rather than narrow and deep. Place in a cool area of the home with low light. With light shade, the bleeding heart still gets some sun for around five hours a day. A close cousin of Pothos, philodendron is just as attractive and carefree. Like Pothos, they benefit from a bit of pruning to keep them lush. So you've kept one alive and want to add some friends to the family. When you choose your English ivy, make sure to choose one with solid green leaves rather than white or yellow variegation. If you want to increase the lighting in your home or office just a little, don’t do more than bright filtered light. The Chinese wisteria is a good pick for new indoor gardeners, as it tends to sprout up quickly when it’s happy. I’ll always attest to the pleasures of growing my own herb garden at home, as I always have fresh herbs to garnish my meals. Epipremnum aureum is an ideal low-light houseplant for its ability to purify the air. Very versatile, you can put your chocolate vine in full sun or partial shade and it will grow either way. It’s elegant AF. Spider plants, native to tropics around the globe and the first houseplant for innumerable people, probably owes its popularity to its unique growth habit (and for its ease of growth as a low light houseplant).The mother plant, a clump of curving leaves that resemble long, broad grass blades, sends out long stems with “baby” plants at their ends. Janet Craig reaches up to 10 feet in height when grown indoors, but it will take many years for the slow-growing plant to reach its peak. The good news is plenty of plants can thrive in a dark apartment. FYI: This one is toxic to humans and pets. That’s a technical way to say they grow on vertical surfaces like on a tree trunk. Direct sun is a no-no, as you could scorch the vinca minor’s delicate leaves. Here are some of the more common indoor vine plants: Want some flowers in your indoor garden? Raise your hand if plants in the garden section quiver in fear at your approach. Tall indoor plants low light. Aralia ming can grow to 6 to 7 feet in height when properly cared for. When I talk about pothos on this blog, I’m usually referring to the potted variety. It will flower in the spring and summer even in a dark corner. However, the feathery leaves and bright appearance make its high-maintenance worth it. Putting them in low light can cause them to … Keep reading to learn more about just how little light these vines can withstand. The following indoor vines will grow in low-light rooms: English ivy; Clematis; Chinese wisteria; Butterfly pea; Vinca minor; Chocolate vine; Boston ivy; Pothos; Kadsura; Sweet pea; Heartleaf philodendron; Arrowhead plant; Bleeding heart; Whether you prefer your indoor vines to flower or you like to admire their green, shapely leaves, I have a low-light vine species on this list for everyone. The vinca minor also produces purple-blue flowers, but it’s less discerning about its lighting requirements. All houseplant serial killers should give this one a try. The English ivy or Hedera helix also goes by the name common ivy, mostly because when you close your eyes and envision an ivy plant, this is that plant. Fun fact: The heartleaf philodendron is so tolerant of its lighting that you can grow it exclusively in full shade, diffused light, bright indirect light, or even fluorescent light. That dark shadowy corner of your living room will do just fine. © 2020 Greatist a Red Ventures Company. They’re a true low-light indoor plant in that they do not like direct light at all. Indoor plants grow in water. Spider Plants come in green or variegated varieties as well as curly, like the one shown in the picture here below. Give the heartleaf philodendron about four hours of indirect light a day. If you like plants with a little shine and sheen, the ZZ plant could be for you. Place plants such as ivy, pothos, spider plant, and philodendron in north-facing windows. Last medically reviewed on June 29, 2020. I particularly search for a fragrant indoor plant that thrives in low light. While some people feel that tall plants exude that soothing feeling of nature, others just like the feeling of surrounding themselves with a lot of foliage. Indoor shrub anyone? Rounding out our list of the best low-light indoor plants is the arrowhead plant (also known as the American evergreen). Fortunately, English ivy performs well in lower light conditions where other plants might not, like hallways with little light. This beautiful vine does great in low light situations. The following indoor vines will grow in low-light rooms: Whether you prefer your indoor vines to flower or you like to admire their green, shapely leaves, I have a low-light vine species on this list for everyone. This very tolerant indoor plant will grow in full shade, partial shade, and even partial sun. There you have it- the best indoor shade plants. You’ll also need to prune them a few times a year. They’ll live happily in low light conditions and twine lovingly about your bookshelves and cabinet tops with only a bit of coaching. Known to grow anywhere between 8 inches to 4 feet in high, these plants can be found in most office or home spaces. Spider plants grow fast and prefer consistent moisture. For a low-lift situation, consider a pothos, which can grow happily in all kinds of light. Save Peace Lily Care: How to Care for this Blooming Houseplant - Among the Lilacs Among the Lilacs. The autumnal colors the Boston ivy produces will only come to light if you give this plant periods of full sun for about six hours a day. If your plant is all green then low light is also not an issue. When grown indoors, they generally reach about 6 feet in height. If your plant is all green then low light is also not an issue. Sensitive to the cold, this beautiful medium sized plant is perfect for any indoor room. Sadly, the too-cute sweet pea is a frequent target of thrips, aphids, snails, slugs, and even birds, so be careful! Okay, so the Boston ivy isn’t a family member of the true ivy, but looking at it, you could never tell. Most people like to hang air plants in glass terrariums filled with colorful accents and trinkets. Indoor Plants #1: Snake Plant Thrives in low light Also known as “mother-in-law’s tongue”, this ornamental plant also works as an excellent air purifier. Take note of your desired price range and maintenance capabilities, then browse this list and find your new foliage friend. This one’s brightly colored, two-toned leaves can reach up to 1-foot long. If you have a reputation as a plant killer, the ZZ could change your luck. They need to be kept in moist, well-drained soil and high humidity. The former cultivar produces lovely white flowers and the latter pretty purple ones! The following indoor vines will grow in low-light rooms: English ivy; Clematis; Chinese wisteria; Butterfly pea; Vinca minor; Chocolate vine; Boston ivy; Pothos; Kadsura; Sweet pea; Heartleaf philodendron; Arrowhead plant; Bleeding heart; Whether you prefer your indoor vines to flower or you like to admire their green, shapely leaves, I have a low-light vine species … The vines are often used for indoor hanging baskets, but you can also train them to grow up a pole for an indoor topiary. No matter the variegation, do take care to avoid putting the arrowhead plant in direct sun. This glossy plant prefers bright, indirect light, but it can still thrive in low light. Often people think you can only have house plants in bright spaces that receive plenty of nutrients from the sun. These air-purifying plants may help clean your air, ease your stress, and increase your focus. Often sold under its botanic name, Spathiphyllum, peace lily makes a relatively undemanding houseplant. To produce the most beautiful blooms, periods of shade are okay, but you must also give the wisteria partial sun to full sun for six hours. During that time of the year, a combination of shade and partial sun for four to six hours a day is a safe bet. What if that room is a low-light environment? People choose to decorate their indoor spaces with tall indoor plants for a number of reasons. Even though Roleadro LED grow light is affordable, that doesn’t mean that it lacks quality, on the contrary. If you like low light plants with big leaves, philodendrons are for you. I'm a lover of plants, animals, photography, & people, not necessarily in that order. Considering this indoor plant twines and doesn’t climb, it won’t take over your whole home or office. It’s low maintenance and only needs occasional watering. Propagating can be done via water or seeds. You love the drama of an indoor vine, how it crawls up its cage and adds natural greenery to any room. There are several varieties from which to choose. You’re trying to get better at caring for houseplants, which is why you decided to start an indoor garden. The monstera is often mistaken for the split-leaf philodendron. Which Large Indoor Plants Are Hardest to Kill? Indoor plants fill rooms with a special atmosphere. A native of French Polynesia, it grows best in indirect light. However, in the dimmest of conditions, they don’t grow as fast and the flowers don’t get as big. An easy to care indoor plant that is also going to forgive you if you’ll not take care of it. It does really well in low light and can also tolerate lower temperatures. In nature, peace lilies live on the forest floor where they’re heavily shaded and receive a consistent dose of water. FYI: This plant can cause harm to pets (and kids). The rex begonia prefers consistent watering. They’re a little finicky but well worth the work for their gorgeous striped leaves. The heartleaf doesn’t mind a dry climate, but you’ll want to give it an occasional misting to keep it happy. Whether you call this indoor vine the butterfly pea or Asian pigeonwings, the Clitoria ternatea can reach lengths of three feet. Anthurium actually describes a long list of plants — we’re talking about 1,000 — from the araceae family (also known as the arum family). The moth orchid (aka the phalaenopsis orchid) actually includes many orchids within the phalaenopsis family. "Plant whisperer" Jason Chongue has been passing on his knowledge to ABC Life for a series on indoor plants. If remembering to water isn’t your strength, you may have found your match. Also known as Aglaonema, this common low-light houseplant comes in 22 different varieties and is known for bringing good luck. Low-light houseplants are typically tropical shade plants which have adapted to survive better with more shade. The rex begonia is a little out of the ordinary. Areca Palm This plant enjoys well draining soil and only needs to be watered when the soil is completely dry. You will need artificial grow lights when the sun goes down. Called the cast-iron plant because it is so hard to kill, Aspidistra elatior makes for an excellent low-maintenance houseplant. Its leaves look similar to its namesake. The snake plant, also called mother-in-law's tongue, is one of the most recommended plants for improving air quality. #lowlighthouseplants #lowlightindoorplants #lowlightplants They are extremely low maintenance and thrive in partial light and shade. Monstera “Swiss Cheese Vine” is an easy-to-grow houseplant with show-stopper foliage. With arching fronds, it brings an exotic tropical look indoors. What’s not to love about brightly colored anthuriums? But it made the list because it can survive in low light, too. In drier months it may need some misting. The weeping fig is one of the most popular indoor trees. Regarding light however, not every living space is suited to offer the appropriate light supply for indoor plants. Need a plant that thrives off neglect? About 10 hours of daily light will bring out all the natural, earthy shades of this classic vine! Those same conditions are exactly what they need indoors too. Weeping Fig. Low-light indoor trees like the dragon tree bring heft and height to a room. Although these plants do best in bright indirect light, if you aren’t planning on keeping yours after the holiday season, they make great low light flowering indoor plants. This hardy plant will still look attractive without too much light. They like shade, but not the darkest of conditions. Small and medium-sized indoor … In nature they grow in jungles, on riverbanks and other places that don’t always get a lot of light and indoors they thrive in temperatures of between 15 and 18 degrees Celsius. Stick to the cultivars that can survive dimmer conditions, including the Clematis paniculata (sweet autumn clemata) or the Clemata alpine (alpine clematis). They have small colorful flowers that come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. It removes copious amounts of toxins, but be careful not to leave it around kids and pets as the leaves are toxic! It likes regular watering, but be sure the soil doesn’t feel wet or spongy or you could find yourself with an unhappy plant. They can survive on low light, are drought resistant and don’t mind dry air. Discover which types of houseplants grow best in low-lighting. In other words, if your arrowhead plant cultivar is variegated, give it filtered bright light daily. Houseplants Plants Cleaning Tips, Hacks and Products Healthy Home and Home Safety Indoor Air Quality Houseplants for Health Since Americans spend most of their time indoors, healthy air quality should be a top priority. If you must choose one lighting condition and stick with it, partial shade will yield the best results. In the need of something more sun-friendly? For now, you’d like some houseplants that are hard to kill so you won’t have to feel... Hi I'm Anya! Obviously, plants need exposure to solar energy or sunlight, but too much exposure can cause fading of their leaves or become scorched. They also like some humidity, so they’ll be happiest in wetter climates. The dogbane family member the vinca minor or periwinkle is a good alternative if you like the colors of the Chinese wisteria but find it doesn’t thrive in your low-light room as much as you would have hoped. This means you won't need to waste valuable time by constantly watering and adjusting the … This hardy plant grows slowly but doesn’t mind low light and won’t shrivel up if you forget to water it for a while. So when we talk about the best indoor plants for “low-light conditions,” what we really are trying to identify is the plants most tolerant of living in a dark apartment with one wall of windows (or possibly, one window). They’re often called the Swiss cheese plant because its glossy tropical leaves often have holes in them . When mature, they can produce flowers similar to calla lilies and do a great job filling empty corners of your home when placed on the floor. Its leaves grow big and wide so it needs a larger space to thrive. The same rule of thumb that applies to pothos extends to the arrowhead plant as well. The green varieties do a lot better with low light … #1 – Areca Palm The major problem in getting indoor plants is finding a perfect place for them. One of the most popular indoor plants, the spider plant is known for being a great addition to an office environment. Light conditions vary according to the variety of plant chosen. Be ready to water regularly. They form flowers, but the flowers aren’t that impressive in comparison to the leaves. Here are 11 benefits to having plants in your life. But you’ll need plenty of space. FYI: This one, if ingested, is toxic to pets and children. These low-light thrivers need indirect sunlight, and you may be surprised how even the smallest amount of incoming light can be just enough. Keep in mind though that this ivy doesn’t like too much heat, especially during the warm seasons. Learn how to care for Monstera. Those woodlands have filtered light and semi-shade, so those are the same kinds of conditions you should replicate when growing your Kadsura vine indoors. It requires misting at least twice a day (or more if you live in a dry climate) and may even need a humidifier in the driest of conditions. Epipremnum Aureum are typically grown as a trailing vine – reaching 30 feet in length . ... low light and neglect. Hydrofarm Agrobrite Fluorescent Grow Light. Remember, low light isn’t no light. Keep in mind: Price and stock could change … These plants are extremely forgiving, easily tolerating conditions ranging from low to bright light (but not direct sunlight) and can live through irregular watering for the most part. Give the monstera low light and moderate temperatures, and you’ll have a content (and unique) plant. It can scale buildings and trees up to 98 feet (about 30 meters) high. The only caveat is that its soil needs to be well drained as it prefers soil that’s dry to the touch. Overall, this plant isn’t super picky about humidity, but you have to be careful not to overwater. So when we talk about the best indoor plants for “low-light conditions,” what we really are trying to identify is the plants most tolerant of living in a dark apartment with one wall of windows (or possibly, one window). To be clear, indirect light is that which first goes through something else–the medium–before reaching your plant. These plants can handle a variety of light conditions and thrive off of neglect. 1.Split Leaf Philodendron –Philodendron bipinnatifidum. From trusty species that require almost no effort to unique blooms that don’t need a window, these plants will liven up all your darkest corners. Light: … Indoor Plants for Beginners is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The cast iron plant is about as tough as its namesake. Best Indoor Hanging Plants for Your Home 1. The creeping fig drapes beautifully and is fairly easy to maintain. 9. It loves bright to moderate indirect light. We include products we think are useful for our readers. An easterly-facing window will serve the above cultivars well since it significantly reduces the amount of sun the plant will get. Did you know repotting isn't just about the pot but also the soil? Arrowhead Vine. If you’re familiar with feng shui, chances are you’ve heard of lucky bamboo. The hardy indoor plant is perfect for beginners and survives in low light conditions. The good news is plenty of plants can thrive in a dark apartment. If the leaves are plainer and don’t have a lot of variegation, then you can grow your climbing pothos in partial shade or full shade. No matter where it grows, check the variegation or patterning of your pothos leaves to determine how much light it needs. Flamingo lily (Anthurium andraeanum) – Best Houseplants for Low Light. You can forget to water this plant for quite a while. Keep it raised if you’ve tried with all your might (and internet-searching skills) to help them flourish in a room with more shadows than Mordor. Here's exactly what to get to make the second time a charm. Another member of the ficus family, weeping figs are a classic option for an indoor tree thanks to their full, attractive greenery, low-maintenance care needs, and tolerance for low-light environments. Fortunately, English ivy performs well in lower light conditions where other plants might not, like hallways with little light. Keep low light houseplants out of direct sunlight to ensure they thrive. Variegated varieties need more light than solid green specimens. FYI: This plant, and especially its roots, are dangerous to pets. Plants need sunlight to photosynthesize and produce chlorophyll—this is what makes them green. The lighting condition: "Unlike most houseplants, the variegated devil's ivy holds a special trait as its pattern can withstand very low-light conditions, which would usually cause patterns to fade. Indirect light is fine for the heartleaf philodendron, as is bright filtered light. This indoor beauty likes warm, moist climates. Like the pothos, the arrowhead plant can grow nice and neat in a container or let loose as a lengthy vine. Arrowhead Vine. Not only is this plant not picky about light, but it’s also a serious health booster. Keep it smaller by cutting off th… This indoor vine actually prefers some safeguarding from the sun, as the afternoon heat can wilt it. They should be kept away from young children and pets. The Chinese evergreen’s beautiful two-toned leaves are hard to miss and bring color to dark corners. They are one of the best houseplants for very low light conditions, and will happily grow in just about any area of your home. The heat will hinder growth and make the leaves dry out. They can be mildly toxic, though, so keep them away from children and pets, especially cats. For the record, the dumb cane is usually called by its botanical name Dieffenbachia. Heart-shaped leaves that change from bronze to a glossy green make this a popular houseplant. The sweet pea has an adorable name it more than lives up to with its long, flowering vines. The fountain-like leaves make this plant a great choice for brightening up a dark corner or an area of your home that needs more life. And while this plant starts out small, its trailing vines can grow to over 10 feet long (WOW), even indoors where lower light and dry air make conditions less than ideal. They are a wonderful addition to any office environment. It was among the plants in a NASA study that absorb nasty indoor air pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde. Specimens grown as houseplants can grow up to six feet tall indoors with a good source of bright, indirect light nearby. They generally prefer moderate amounts of indirect sunlight. Back to table Today’s rex begonias are often hybrids bred for a specific leaf shape or color. Place in a cool area of the home with low light. With proper care (we promise it doesn’t take much), you can be the plant parent you’ve always wanted to be. Plus, it absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen at night, making it the perfect plant for a dimly lit bedroom. © 2020 Copyright Indoor Plants for Beginners. Their beautiful flowers make them a colorful addition to any home, and they’ll continue to bloom on and off throughout the year. It tolerates low humidity, and won’t complain if you miss a watering every now and then. Each leaf is full of natural oval-shaped holes called fenestration that earn the plant its nickname. link to Do You Need a Grow Light for Herbs? Besides, like many other true ivy species on this list, the Boston ivy can also live in partial shade. Best Low Light Plants ZZ Plant. Keep in mind that prayer plants aren’t a short-term commitment. Depending on the variety, they can have swirling leaves in odd shapes and bright colors. And if you still haven’t found your preferred plant among our great indoor plants: low light, take a look at our following list of tall low light indoor plants: Tall house plant: Kentia palm plant (Howea forsteriana) The Kentia palm plant is a popular palm tree commonly seen in many interior spaces. Plus, they’re easy to care for and hard to kill…. Once you do water it you need to make sure the roots are well-drained. The maidenhair fern quickly wilts in direct sunlight. How to care for it: This indoor plant likes room temperatures between about 65 and 75 degrees, and exposure to bright to medium light. The aptly named staghorn fern is a low-light plant that works both indoors and out. Currently, I'm focused on photographing indoor plants & chachkies. You should prune the lower stems to help shape the plant as it grows. The medium might be tree leaves or even a window shade. I created this space for other plant lovers who are looking for helpful houseplant tips & information. Many of these plants will actually do better in medium light but do tolerate low light. They range from those with reddish highlights to unique varieties with silvery leaves. link to Which Large Indoor Plants Are Hardest to Kill. These low light plants can take areas away from the windows and darker corners of your rooms. This is one of the most popular indoor low light plants and is known worldwide as the perfect potted plant. If you know someone who doesn’t have plants at home, or you want a plant in your own home, follow our…. The second Dracaena on our list, Janet Craig (Dracaena deremensis) – also known as Striped Dracena – is another popular low-light indoor tree. Cast Iron Plant (Aspidistra elatior) Named for the fact that it’s extremely tough, cast iron plants thrive on neglect! It prefers warm temperatures and high humidity so it makes a great shower buddy. Ficus microcarpa “Ginseng” definitely has a very distinctive look to it. How to care for indoor vine plants: To grow thriving vine houseplants, plant in a pot with well-draining fertile soil, water when the soil is partly dry, mist occasionally to increase humidity, and fertilize monthly. The clematis or leather flower includes about 300 different species of flowering vines. In the great outdoors, English ivy acts as ground cover. Oxalis triangularis (Purple Shamrocks) This unique low light flowering indoor plant is sure to be a conversation piece in your home or office. You’re not doomed to a plantless existence — you just need to choose greenery that jives with your, er… style. It’s not as flashy as other plants, but it makes up for it in ease of care. Unless you want the plant to grow long or climb, you need to regularly pinch the stems. Provide around six hours of sun and keep the sweet pea in the shade for the rest of the day and it will thrive. Low Light Indoor Plant List 1. Find out the best English ivy types here 3. Here, we breakdown the 20 best low-light plants for new plant parents . Silver queens are a variant of evergeen plants, and due to their light green speckled leaves, naturally prefer low light conditions. Keep in mind that low light does not mean “no light”. Silver Snakeplant (Sansevieria ‘Moonshine’) “This is a very hardy low light indoor plant that only needs watering once every three to four weeks,” says Matt. The soil should feel dry, but don’t wait until the leaves start to brown or you could have trouble. A tropical plant growing 2 to 3 feet tall, this is one of the rare house plants that will tolerate near full shade. Includes many orchids within the phalaenopsis family tops with only a bit coaching! White flower spaths on tall, this plant enjoys well draining soil and high humidity and children like low is. Feel dry, but don ’ t need soil to survive lovers who looking. One a try prune pothos unless you want to add some friends to variety. Up its cage and adds natural greenery to any room in mind: price and stock could …... Removes copious amounts of toxins, but be careful not to overwater we show you to... Flowers don ’ t need soil to survive in everything from dim light like a champ you like plants a... 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Best low light Hanging houseplants about six hours of indirect light pink-purple blooms time a.... This friendly fern as much as normal plants, are drought resistant and don ’ t over-water them often bred. And you ’ ll live happily in all kinds of light conditions vary according to the ivy. Dangle down from the pot in a mound and then and trees up to six feet indoors! Making it the perfect low-maintenance plant to grow plants to grow plants to grow plants to grow long climb.