Turkey. He is voiced by Tom Kenny, who also voices The Penguin in The Batman, Starscream in Transformers: Animated, Mumbo Jumbo in both Teen Titans and its spin-off Teen Titans Go!, and The Ice King from Adventure Time. Evil name generator for male and female characters. View Badges! WordGirl and her sidekick Captain Huggy Face take down quirky villains in every action-packed episode. He takes former prostitute Sévérineunder his wing, but the merciful man she thinks he is, is really an illusion. As Vermin, Edward lives in the sewers of Manhattan, feeding on people he is able to pull into the city's underbelly. Since then, Two-Brains has shown nothing but flagrant disgust and hatred towards Glen, while Glen has constantly been trying (and failing) to outdo him. When Squeaky takes complete control, his hair becomes messier, his bow tie becomes untied, his lab coat becomes frayed, and his front teeth become longer. Villain School is episode 23b of Season 1 of WordGirl. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Dr. Two-Brains is a villain in the educational show WordGirl.. Average score for this quiz is 6 / 10.Difficulty: Average.Played 204 times. Though it seems to be most likely true, as his henchman confirm that they went to her graduation with him. Unlike most other villains on the show, Doctor Two-Brains is motivated to commit crimes by his hunger for cheese, rather than money or power. As of Nov 25 20. At one point he even calls himself "Dr. Three-Brains" just to prove he is more of a threat, though obviously isn't and is even referred to as a common mischief maker instead of a criminal in the episode "Plain Old Mischief Makers", which Two-Brains has no respect for. He was once a friend of WordGirl's known as Professor Steven Boxleitner, a kind, but easily distracted scientist. His powers and details are unknown. When not on duty, you can even dress up your X-Girl in civilian clothing! A dramatic or fictional character who is typically at odds with the hero. A wicked or evil person; a scoundrel. (also vĭl′ān′, vĭ-lān′) Variant of villein. Gingerbread. Yzma began life in Kingdom of the Sun as a straight up evil sorceress. He is an evil scientist that has a penchant for cheese and committing any crime involving said dairy product. 4. Dr. Two-Brains is voiced by Tom Kenny, one of the top-notch voice actors in the industry. Loading... Unsubscribe from iGameplay1337? Cancel Unsubscribe. In the original shorts, Two-Brains often struggles to control his opposing minds. Grandparent. 3. Two-Brains has also spoken of the mouse mind as a separately thinking persona. There is no official consensus on the spelling of Dr. Two-Brains’ name; while it is usually spelled with a hyphen, PBS Kids’ official website has referred to him as “Dr. He causes a fake leak at a chemical plant on the island of Hashima in order to claim it as his base of operations. The mouse brain attached to the side of his head occasionally pulsates and glows green. It is unknown if he will ever be reverted back to his former state as Professor Steven Boxleitner. View source. He is afraid of cats, as seen in several episodes, due to his mouse instincts. The only type of cheese that Two-Brains dislikes is goat cheese, as revealed in the episode "Of Two Minds". The line could very likely have been an ad-lib by Tom Kenny. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Posted on February 22, 2013 by dearjohnblog under Uncategorized. The fifth season of the animated series WordGirl was originally broadcast on PBS in the United States from September 10, 2012 to June 14, 2013. Basil calls him the hated "R" word (rat) twice and both times, his nemesis manages to begrudgingly keep his cool and stick to his plan. Steven used to be very kind-hearted and was shown to have a great interest in science. As shown in the episode Don't Mess with the Best, Two-Brains feels remorse, as he stops Victoria Best from defeating WordGirl for good, and has been shown to genuinely care for his henchman and even WordGirl on occasion. He now spends his time coming up with ways to appease his second mind's hunger and urges, but will make sure to cause as much trouble as possible while doing so. While doing this experiment, he was hooked up to a lab rat named Squeaky. Another word for villain. 2. The experiment that the two villains did to Edward turned him into a rat-like creature that craved human flesh. Villainous Overview: Examples : Gallery: Gallery Images. In the episode "When Chuck's Mom Is Away...", Two-Brains appears to ask Lady Redundant Woman out; however, nothing ever seems to come of this. Games Movies TV Video. But is he really teaching them, or just using them to accomplish his own agenda? Character description. When he's not commiting crimes (or in jail) he enjoys time watching television. is episode 20a of Season 3 of WordGirl. Toad is another great villain who has a fantastic backstory to match, going from a beloved pet in Buckingham Palace to being replaced by a rat and sent down the drain, making him vindictive with a heart full of hate, especially for rats. Latest Gallery Contributors. Clover. Girl at the Edge of the World A topnotch WordPress.com site. Two Brains” on numerous occasions. Most Popular Villains. The Episodes. Word Girl Secret Lair by PBS Kids | Walkthrough & Gameplay iGameplay1337. As Steven Boxleitner, he had a typical speaking voice for an adult male; upon changing to Two-Brains, his voice changed to a slightly higher pitch, with rougher edges to it. Where Have All the Villains Gone? It is implied t… Please see Starfall's how-to-teach-reading page, Learn to Read with Phonics, Fluency, and Comprehension, and print the Free Phonics Printouts for children. The Amazing, Colossal Adventures of WordGirl, The Amazing Colossal Adventures of WordGirl, https://wordgirl.fandom.com/wiki/Dr._Two-Brains?oldid=90501, Mad Scientist, Criminal, and Cheese Pillager, "Hello, WordGirl! This is my first game featuring a wheelchair! He's … Knowledge of technology and science Flower. Season One. WordGirl's deadpan correction and definition of "respire" just makes it even better. Due to the mouse brain having a high degree of control over the doctor, Dr. Two-Brains now has an insatiable hunger for cheese, and all of his crimes center around this. Because even a super villain can't resist the awesome power of a coupon. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Still, Two-Brains shows some friendly gestures to WordGirl in a couple of episodes, like offering her a comb in the episode "Becky's Birthday", giving her a wink in the climax sequence of the episode "Dr. Three-Brains", and they have occasional reminisces about their past friendship, most notably in the episode "A Game of Cat and Mouse" and "Showdown at the Secret Spaceship Hideout". After Granny catches WordGirl and brings her and Huggy to the Villain Association to prove she doesn't have to retire, he proclaims "Now she doesn't have to respire!" Along with her best friend Ron Stoppable; his pet, a naked mole-rat named Rufus; and their webmaster buddy Wade, who feeds them vital information via a special Kimmunicator device, Kim foils archenemies around the globe. While doing this experiment, he was hooked up to a lab rat named Squeaky. "The Homerun King": The Bat Signal. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. When Squeaky fully takes control, his voice is significantly higher in pitch. So much so, that he steals the interview from Scoops, and displays clips from previous episodes showing WordGirl being defeated, outsmarted, overwhelmed, kidnapped, and even almost eliminated. Narrator: When Dr. Two-Brains wants a giant ray that turns objects into cheese, he usually makes it himself, and yet, here he is, shopping at gadget whiz, Hal Hardbargain's Villain Supply House. His boss is Glen Furlblam. He still has an interest in science, though this "interest" consists mostly of building weapons, many for the purpose of stealing cheese. 1 Summary 2 Plot 3 Characters 4 Quotes 5 Trivia 6 Goofs This episode centers around Ms. Word Hunt. Though thanks to the mouse brain, he is just as capable of acting harsh and cruel to WordGirl such as in the episode "The Straw That Broke Two Brains' Back", where WordGirl opens up to Two-Brains in a similar way to how she does in "A Few Words from WordGirl", telling him that she can't handle the stress of being a hero anymore, he blatantly tells her he doesn't care, and as a villain will do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Here are some of our other favorite villain name generators on the web: Seventh Sanctum’s Villain Name Generator. He only appears on a poster for The Coach's Villain School, on Sally Botsford's wall of prosecuted villains, and on the front cover of Supervillains and You. Afterwards, his appearance took on traits of an albino rodent: his hair turned white and grew much longer, his eyes became red from a lack of pigmentation, and he grew whiskers. Why, you ask? They have been known to mess up their boss's plans, like in the episode "Shrinkin' in the Ray", when they unwittingly use up a crate of parsnips meant to power Two-Brains's shrink ray. =) BrushMode: It's back! While doing this experiment, he was hooked up to a lab rat named Squeaky. He made a device that was supposed to help people read into the minds of rodents. It seems that his second brain (Squeaky) finds the word "rat" offensive, as both in the episodes ", While his age is never stated in the show, he is implied to be middle-aged in the episode ". Valentine. Rat Trap: 71/130: 406: 10/14/2011: WordGirl and Bobbleboy: Crime in the Key of V: 72/130: 407: 11/14/2011: Where Have All the Villains Gone? Hieronynous Hacker, also known as The Hacker, is the main antagonist of Cyberchase. Once Boxleitner became Two-Brians, their relationship turned for the worst as the good professor found himself on the wrong side of the law, and at constant odds with WordGirl. But of course, he betrays her in the end, but whether this is part of his plan or if his mouse brain took control is never clearly determined. He also had a love for cooking and (non-cheese) food, though he made a grilled cheese sandwich once (possibly foreshadowing his eventual accident). (Note: Two-Brains is technically Boxleitner and Squeaky merged into one, so if you'd like to learn more about Squeaky's biography click here). Register Start a Wiki. Dr. Two-Brains is a villain in WordGirl. Boxleitner still exists mentally, but in a Jekyll and Hyde sort of manner. He is voiced by Tom Kenny. Some friend she turned out to be! In Unternehmen führt daran kaum ein Weg vorbei, für Privatnutzer sieht es anders aus. Villainous definition, having a cruel, wicked, malicious nature or character. WordGirl was good friends with Steven, prior to his accident the two were close friends. Great Head to this post, which is all about naming a character. When he hears Becky's story, he decides to help her get back home and make the wish that would fix everything. He is voiced by Tom Kenny. I have a coupon! Something said to be the cause of particular trouble or an evil: poverty, the villain in the … Microsoft Office samt seiner Textverarbeitung Word ist der Office-Goldstandard. Two-Brains guffaws at her failures so much, that WordGirl uses this as an opportunity to get revenge on him. Violet Heaslip is Becky's best friend. They met in Art Appreciation class (after Becky failed art class 3 times in a row.) Dr. Two-Brains: Hello! She is the protagonist-turned-villain of Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted, a mentioned character in Five Nights at Freddy's AR: Special Delivery and might be the main antagonist of the upcoming Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach. Dr. Two-Brains employs two henchmen in order to help him with his many crimes. button, and their minds fused. 9 Lizard. He is the most wanted villain in Fair City, a fact he is very proud of. Speaks mouse Surfer Girl Y as Long E. More Vowels. Prior to his transformation, Steven Boxleitner had fair skin and medium-brown hair that stuck up slightly in the back, along with the default eye color that all the other characters have. The two constantly battle and are very hostile towards each other. Earth Day. Browse; Watch; Shop; Groups; Forum . Calendar. Despite this, WordGirl has come to accept that Steven for the most part is gone (for now) and that he is no longer trustworthy, such as in the episode "Of Two Minds", when she is insanely on edge around Two-Brains when he claims to be reformed and initially doesn't even believe him, as when he pitches the idea of returning to his crime-free life, WordGirl just laughs at it. In The Amazing Colossal Adventures of WordGirl, he would occasionally break free and argue with the personality of Dr. Two-Brains; however, these "intrusions" ceased to occur over the course of the show. See more. (Not that he's ever going to admit it.) Though that being said, as Two-Brains becomes less malicious, he and WordGirl start to share a more civil relationship, such as in the episode "Mouse Army", when Two-Brains temporarily teams up with her to stop an army of super-intelligent mice he had created. He also seems to genuinely care for his henchmen, as he gets them presents for the holidays, new costumes when they ask, and even dedicates an entire crime spree to them just to show how much he appreciates them. ... WordGirl.S04E09E10.Whammer.Anniversary-Rat.Trap.1080p.Amazon.WEB-DL.DD+2.0.x264-QOQ.mp4 download. He was a very good friend to WordGirl, and she considered him to be one of her closest allies. Y as a Vowel . Groundhog. The Evil House's ultimate demise as the Simpson family watches it preternaturally imploding itself into nothingness. He and Two Face both share a split personality, which occasionally takes over them when provoked. -, "Supervillainy's a tough racket, you leave for a week and, "This is WordGirl's spaceship hideout! Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 2.37M. Watch. He was once a friend of WordGirl's known as Professor Steven Boxleitner, a kind, but easily distracted scientist. Also, if you look closely in the museum section of Wordgirl's Spaceship Hideout, you can see the Unnamed Villain's costume. Also, if you look closely in the museum section of Wordgirl's Spaceship Hideout, you can see the Unnamed Villain's costume. Or as Wordgirl would say, "Word up!" After a bit of conflict and gloating, Glen was eventually sent to jail. Originally known as Professor Steven Boxleitner, a kind-hearted but distracted scientist, he was turned into the evil Dr. Two-Brains after a botched experiment left his mind merged with an evil lab mouse known as Squeaky. Aku is stabbed in the head and finally vanquished by Samurai Jack after returning to the past with the help of Ashi. Pumpkin. In The Amazing, Colossal Adventures of WordGirl, the professor had created a device that would hopefully allow people to read the minds of rodents (practically and theoretically, this could possibly be used in conjunction with various medical and experimental tests on lab mice to better understand how the experiments affect them) but when he was distracted by the wafting odor of his pastrami sandwich, his vicious mouse test subject Squeaky hit the "Holy cow, don't press this button!!!" She once encouraged him to fight the mouse brain’s control on him, and claimed to have felt his loss in her life once he became Two-Brains. Two-Brains can also let Squeaky's mind completely take over his body for a certain amount of time. A once brilliant mind, Vermin has been turned into a shell of a man, unable to remember the life he once had. I remember her telling me about it back when we were friends. More Archetype Generators . This is the first season where May I Have a Word does not have new episodes.. Villains' Defeats/Gallery < Villains' Defeats. This refers toa villain who The Coach previously taught in his Villain School. 1,257 Pages. Dr. Boxleitner can't come to the phone right now. Says here I get a free piece of cheese with purchase of a super ray. Then, as the project morphed into the more light-hearted Emperor's New Groove she turned into a comedic "mad scientist" character instead. Glen Furlblam used to be Two-Brains' number one fan, and arrived at the auditions for a substitute Two-Brains when the real one was going on vacation. The Coach has a new trio of arch enemies and villains: Big Left Hand Guy, Ms. Your actions inspire people more than anything you could say." Starfall's books, games, movies, and … Cast. He creates a wide assortment of ray guns that vary from increasing or decreasing gravity to turning buildings or hair-gel to cheese. Wild Kratts Wiki. Two-Brains didn't want him to fill the position, but Glen ended up becoming the replacement anyway. Unlike WordGirl, Captain HuggyFace has no super powers and often has to take the bus home when WordGirl forgets that he can't fly. He has a rather sarcastic and witty sense of humor. Let us see how well you know the villains of "Wordgirl". Question, and Timmy Tim-Bo. The best example would have to be in "Granny's Book Club". Or if you think that generators are fun and all — but that you’d rather create your own villain name? (Note: Two-Brains is technically Boxleitner and Squeaky merged into one, so if you'd like to learn more about Squeaky's biography click here) Hmph! Jetzt Staffel 1 von Sword Art Online und weitere Staffeln komplett als gratis HD-Stream mehrsprachig online ansehen. "Rat Trap" October 13, 2011 ) 405 ... Ms. He made a device that was supposed to help people read into the minds of rodents. Category:Villains | Wild Kratts Wiki | Fandom. Eren Yeager; Siren Head; Titans (Attack on Titan) Dabi; Cartoon Cat; Jeff the Killer; Mr. Compress; Newly Changed Articles. A truly beautiful dress up game, featuring the flawless artwork of Candy's World (with a few not-as-worthy additions by yours truly haha). It is an omnicidal deity who's surveyed the Universe from its beginning along with others of its kind, named Observers. History Talk (0) Share. 100% Kostenlos Online 3000+ Serien After Dr. Two Brains takes control, Steven believes that what he's doing is wrong, indicating he had much better morals than his alter ego. Violet spends her time day-dreaming and lost in thought. He was very passionate about his science projects, but would often get distracted by other things, as shown in "What's up, Doc?". His powers and details are unknown. Home ; About Us ; Gallery ; Favourites ; Journal ; #Sane-Word-Girl-Club gallery. He actually does this in the episode "Mouse Brain Take-Over". 41 The Big Bad Wolf - The Three Little Pigs The words (examples include "diversion", "cumbersome," and "idolize") are … He is an evil cyborg who is bent on taking over a computer-esque realm called Cyberspace for his own needs of power and glory. (Interestingly, his eyebrows remained brown.) Rules Wiki Activity Discord™ Featured Users. Two-Brains asks Lady Redundant Woman out. Dr. Two-Brains is possibly a reference to one of Batman's villains, Two Face, who used to be a good friend of Bruce Wayne, similar to Dr. Two-Brains formerly being a good friend of Becky. Is there something I, Dr. Two-Brains, can do for you?" Please enjoy! FEATURED VILLAIN The Nar Hole is the main antagonist of The G Quest: Endgame and the overall overarching antagonist of the G Quest trilogy.. 100's of names are available, you're bound to find one you like. This refers to a villain who The Coach previously taught in his Villain School. Dr. Two-Brains is a villain in the show WordGirl. Most of his inventions have a mouse or cheese theme to their appearance, but do not always have a practical villainous use, such as his personal mouse orchestra. Add new page. General Grievous; Pinhead (Hellraiser) Scrappy-Doo (live action film) Ben Ravencroft; Phantom Virus; Hakaider; Prince Hans; Headlined Villain - Immortal Joe Community . Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Great thanks to Candy for being game for drawing Xavier's wheelchair into the game. In the episode "A World Without WordGirl", Two-Brains used to be a scientist, but had to give up his job, as Chuck (now the king of the city in the alternate reality) made him the Sub-Junior Assistant Manager of a sandwich shop. Dr. Two-Brains is the anti-heroic tetartagonist of WordGirl. Season 1 of WordGirl 's attention the series, and she considered him to be most likely true, seen. Cheese and committing any crime involving said dairy product your actions inspire people more than anything you could say ''..., you leave for a week and, `` Supervillainy 's a tough racket you... Ca n't come to the past with the hero her telling me about it back when were... The head and finally vanquished by Samurai Jack after returning to the past with the help of.! 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