If you have any type of medical or mental condition, then keeping a health log might be your new favorite thing. It’s our household entertainment binder, sectioned off for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Summer (which encompasses Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day) and Other. Or maybe you can stop at two cups of coffee and switch to tea before the jitters set in. But yeah, I guess I did word it that way, didn’t I ? 33. Invite two of your “selves” to an honest conversation about something. What was your most memorable dream, and why do you think you still remember it? 52. So drawing it over and over is not for me. You know you need to practice in order to improve, so why not use one of your blank notebooks? Between work, my blog and hobbies I dont get a lot of time though. Pull out your Tombows or your Faber-Castels and go nuts practicing! What does that look like? No doubt, the words “I forgive” bring a certain person to mind whom you find it difficult to forgive. Have a blast putting those journals to use! Write about the direction your day is taking, and whether it’s the direction you want it to take or you’d like to change course and make it better. Often when I am lying in bed trying to sleep, I have a million things going on in my head. 20. Quotes are great journal prompts, so if you do not necessarily want to write “inspirational” quotes in your daily journal, you can write about nearly any quote at all. (Angry, stressed, nervous etc) Event: What just happened? You can write about your actions, your interactions, the way the events in your day unfolded, what you accomplished, how your day felt—whatever it … Then describe one or more of your favorite apps and how they help you every day. Write nice things about someone you’re angry with. Maybe you want to start saving $25 or $50 from every payday. 2. That way you have a record of all the work you’ve done so you don’t forget key details. You can track all your symptoms, triggers, medications, and any other information that is relevant to your condition. It helps me stay in touch with my creative side, and makes sure I set time aside to practice painting and lettering. Choose a meaningful quote that resonates or that makes you want to argue with it. Are you interested in the meaning of your dreams? Write in your journal about a memory that has come to you recently — perhaps because something in your life triggered it. Be a friend and write the words you need to hear. Write down a few sentences about what you do each day – who you saw, what you ate, what you worked on, etc. If you are ready to feel inspired to take on your journal collection, then grab your favorite pen and let’s jump in! I am a total notebook-hoarder. Write about the power of forgiveness in your life. Write out your personal vision for this day (your intentions). If you’re not satisfied with just writing three random sentences, make them an answer to a question or write a sentence for each of the three things you’re most grateful for in that moment. No matter how you choose to keep a Journal, our community … 13. And what habits would you like to replace them with? I will return, I love your shared info! Journal about the food you’ve eaten and what you will eat today. If you're looking for inspiration to help you get ready for the new year, you can check out all of my new year bullet journal and productivity content in one convenient place! Choose to make your journal “public” to share it with others. You really can’t go wrong with a good notebook, right Mitra?! Write about lost friendships. Use them as a chance to air and then evaluate those thoughts. And an affirmations journal is an awesome way to help you develop that habit! It’s quite the pickle! — and came up with this idea and was able to put ten years’ worth of party plans into my binder. 1. This is a creative way to practice some self-love. And which habit will you change first? Not only is it good practice for writing about your fears and how to address them, this is yet another journaling example of how starting a journal can help you become the person you want to be. Health is a super important part of life, so dedicate a blank notebook to the cause! This journal platform takes a straightforward approach to online journal writing. If not, how close are you to reaching it, and what do you have to do every day to get yourself closer to it? I spent my days in prison, wishing I wasn't in prison. I’m getting better every day, trying to accept that mistakes are a part of life and move on. I’m glad you feel a little more comfortable jumping into your notebook. Focus on your goals of paying off student loan debt, creating an emergency fund, or saving up for your dream vacation. If you want to kick up your cooking game, then try starting a recipe book! Writing a journal entry is different for everyone. Thank You soooooo much! Last Updated: December 21, 2020 By: Shelby Abrahamsen *Posts may contain affiliate links. 4. If you’ve found value in this journaling ideas post, I hope you’ll share it and encourage others to pass it on. Hopefully you have some really great ideas now, Mirza! Have someone suggest a book? If you’re wanting to get into lettering, check out my free email course, and get started today! Here’s a list of known benefits, in case you haven’t learned them all. Always keep your journal entries and re-read them. 42. Describe a challenge you’re facing — or one you’ve overcome. OMG!!! Or it might just help you get better acquainted with a character you already have. Mine are just plain and wish they looked as pretty as yours. 6. I’m the same way! Some people prefer to keep a personal record of their daily activities, and a blank notebook is perfect for just that. Shelby has been featured extensively online in publications, such as The Wall Street Journal, Buzzfeed, and The Huffington Post. Make plans and track your success in a notebook! Start with a memory (recent or distant). Over time, you can see your habitual routines and patterns pop up, which means you can tackle any habit changes you want to make! Maybe you have teenage kids with jobs, and you have to pick them up after their shifts end around seven or eight o’clock. And I totally understand the desire to make a journal perfect, to want to keep each page beautiful. You can collect some beautiful memories over the years and create a cherished keepsake to enjoy for years to come. Take sketchnotes at a lecture. Anything stationary, really. When it comes to the most powerful benefits of journaling, yes. And an added bonus is that you can discuss your health log with your doctor and have a better dialogue about steps moving forward. This is a fun challenge from Page Flutter to get the creative juices flowing and it’s a great exercise for aspiring writers and poets. This journal would be the place you jot down all those things you have been meaning to try but always forget. Put a description in your journal of the whole day, from waking up in the morning to going to bed that night. Instead of just highlighting text in your Kindle, transcribe the quote in your journal. 26. Have you reached it? 6. Are you worried these thoughts will come back to disturb you tonight? The 365 Days Of Gratitude Journal is a great way to log the little happy things in life. Feeling: What are you feeling? Love your Ideas….. The most important thing is to create and maintain the habit of journaling every day (or as close to that as possible). What difference have they made in your life? Don’t have a blog yet but interested in starting one? The only thing I can think of is using different colored ribbons or something in the spiral of the notebook to keep it distinct from the rest. 40+ THINGS TO TRACK IN YOUR HABIT TRACKER, The Artist's Way: 25th Anniversary Edition, Read my ultimate bullet journal cheat sheet to get started, how to use a pen and paper notebook to plan for your blog. What do you want to know about the universe and your relevance and connection to it? Well I am not creative enough to design a hand drawn page, and I tend to use a page over and over once I create it. Try including sensory details in your journal to motivate yourself to mindfulness practice mindfulness even while you’re eating. Awesome, I’m glad to hear you liked it, Ashley! Do you want to? Which pair of pants or skirt Kama which top, shell or blouse, and which sweater or jacket over the top of that? Journal Keeping Ideas and Topics to Spark Your Creative Juices and to Write About— Journaling is a powerful and effective tool for people of all ages—and whether you’re using it to therapeutically uncover your true feelings about a given topic or simply as a way to practice and become a better writer, its value and benefits cannot be overstated. I’m also somewhat of a perfectionist so while I live journals, I’m always scared to mess up one. That is a great idea, Toby! Why or why not? If you have a blank notebook with no lines or grids, then it’s a great candidate for a sketchbook! Visualize yourself as this person and describe your lifestyle, where you live, and how you spend your time. You can find prompts online or from a book. i use a blank binder as a recovery journal for my depression. Your brain will be healthier and happier either way. I’m sorry I don’t have a better answer! Write it down! With so many bills and such, it’s worth it to keep such a detailed record so nothing slips through the cracks. My favorite tracker of all is my habit tracker! Thanks for great ideas ?? Journal writing encourages engagement and reflection. Journaling gives you a safe space to explore creative things and to ask yourself deeper questions. How have you chosen to respond to that fear? Learn how your comment data is processed. I set out on my quest and discovered...Read More…, • Copyright © 2020 • Little Coffee Fox, a Roaming Fox Media, LLC website • All rights reserved. The library is packed with tons of free printables and lettering worksheets, including a January printable to help you tackle the new year. 55. Write about the qualities you admire and want to see in yourself. Whatever you remember, describe it with as much sensory detail as you can recall. This question can also be liberating. Easily keep a secret diary or a private journal of notes and ideas securely on the web. It makes for better and lively conversations, plus you learn about each other. I use a journal to keep track of bills such as credit cards, car payments, insurance premiums, etc.–a page for each. Other days, you’ll write content that will embarrass your future self. If what you’re feeling is an understandable response to a painful experience, honor those feelings, and write with honesty and self-compassion. I started doing this notebook my husband would ask me, “Well, who came last year and what did we eat?” I did save my scrap papers of planning notes — somewhere! Thank you so much for this, it helps me a lot . i have found it to be good therapy for me. I have found writing this in my journal and following it makes my mornings go so much smoother and gives me a little extra time to savor my coffee. Her stuff is good enough to want to save it in something beautiful, and it gets it out of my house. ? So, is typing your journal entry as good as writing in your journal by hand? 58. Better to ask how journaling can best serve you — and what personal journal ideas can help you make the most of it. 21. Oh, thanks for the heads up, Beth! At the top of the page is the creditor name, address, telephone number, due date, and contact person if applicable. If you’ve never considered doing this, what would you have to do in order to make it a regular thing? This can take place in the present or three years from now. 37. Make a pressing issue the main topic and take dictation for the voices in your head. My sister tops us all, I think. 14. It’s so scary…” or “I’m terrible at making small talk! I even have my husband started on one, too. Is there something about that dream that you want to recreate in your conscious life? We all write differently and about different things, so it is a different experience for everyone. Create an exercise schedule for yourself, and make sure to track your progress! Now, imagine how differently you’d see those things if you instead told yourself, “Sometimes I really enjoy a nighttime drive,” or “Small talk is nothing to be afraid of. On our anniversary every year, we write each other a note. Let go … So, there’s no need to ask how to write a journal. My Morning Pages journal sits on my windowsill away from the rest, and my other notebooks sit together on the bookshelf. I love this! Get a recommendation to try a new restaurant? A book I particularly enjoy on the subject is A Trail Through Leaves by Hannah Hinchman! There is a lot of us journal and planner hoarders out here, only we are all struggling to admit it. Write about the best time you had when you were able to enjoy this meal — alone or with good company. Some other ideas are: taking notes from blogs I read (I have one for home-related notes) Prepare compliments for special people in your life. You and I were cut from the same cloth, Janine I have so much stationery that I’ve collected over the years! The benefits of daily journaling are too good to keep to yourself, and you know you want to contribute to a more self-aware and generous world. I really loved this. I’m so glad this article could provide some inspiration! I love #11, #12 and, #20! If it helps, try writing it as a script, with your part and that of the person who has passed on. 43. I, too, have had to face moving with tons of journals filled with only a few pages of writing. Journal about three bad habits you’d like to change. #3- There are a lot of ways to use this – Some kids need a little help getting started on a daily journal. Long story short: any suggestions for coping with partially filled notebooks? Below are 30 fun & effective ways to put those extra blank and half-used notebooks to use! Sometimes the blankness of the first page can be overwhelming and make you feel like you’ll surely ruin this beautiful thing. I’m thrilled that you like it, Gloria! In your journal you can prepare the message to someone with whom you’re having a dispute, someone you need to reconnect with, or someone you want to share your love for. 60. You can let out all your pain, anger, and sorrow. Begin like your writing in a diary and write an encouraging note to yourself about the day you’re going to have or about a challenge you’ll be facing today. In fact, I have a whole post about how to use a pen and paper notebook to plan for your blog! I imagine that’s got to be touching on every anniversary. You don’t need fancy paper to doodle or jot down your rough ideas. If you’ve ever struggled to keep a dedicated journal, then I’d highly suggest you try writing Morning Pages! One journal can be the central location of all color swatches, appointments, music playlists, registry information, and more so you don’t lose your head. Keep a detailed list of your houseplants, patio plants, or food garden plants. I know exactly how you feel. Not only are you then better able to incorporate what you’ve learned, but you’ve also become better at learning. Just love the covers and possibilities! Getting a brand new blank notebook is one of the most exciting sensations. And I think having a place to take note from blogs is a great idea, especially as you grow your own. Write about a moment you had in the spotlight as a child or teenager. Gratitude and journaling belong together. Now, I can actually use them! It is in my blood! Interested in hand lettering? Whether you’re thinking of a memorable passage from a book you’re reading, a blog post or article you’ve read recently, or a magazine headline you saw while standing in a check-out line, write about what sticks in your mind and why it matters to you (if it does). Set a timer for ten to thirty minutes and just write whatever comes to mind. 44. Journal Your Way To More Love and Intimacy, 201 Of The Best Loneliness Quotes Of All Time, 89 Of The Best Self-Love Quotes Of All Time. My sister send me the link to ths blog and this list gave me new ideas, Since i was little i love stationary and since then been collecting notebooks, pen, pencils etc… There are so many beautiful stationary out there i just can’t help it, my room is full of notebooks i always love the “Papeleo” that’s spanish for paperwork i remember that i said to my parents back then that i wanted to be a secretary when i grew up, just because to have to work with papers, well i love stamps, stickers, folders (since elementary school i been using folders) now that i am in the university i clasify the papers that were given to me in class in folders, each class has it’s folder, i put the papers in sheet protectors ” for this i use the folders with prongs” and then put all the sheets with their protectors together and it bacomes a book of the class, i also use the folders to storage and classify different papers. That’s a fabulous idea, Alona! You can also use them as complete writing projects with a first draft, revisions and final draft. Go crazy with this journal idea. Please write to me as fast as possible. A gardening journal is wonderful for folks who have a green thumb. I have always been in love with paper, and often send a box of notebooks to my friend who is a writer. What challenges remain? Penzu is a free online diary and personal journal focused on privacy. It can be about someone or something you are either currently struggling with or alternatively, grateful for. If you enjoy nature walks, you might enjoy taking up the hobby of nature journaling. Write about the top three priorities in your life right now. Write the thought exactly as it sounds in your head. Maybe you want to start practicing daily meditation. No one actually dies of embarrassment, though. No worries for the whole week. See if one of the following prompts helps you get started: Brainyquote.com is one place you can look for quotes that get you thinking — and writing — about something important to you. How about a wine journal with the label if possible, and details about how you liked it, where you bought it, etc. But even if they don’t, you’ve written three sentences, and that’s something. Was your mind playing in-house movies last night? Treat it like an informal scrapbook and document big life events, vacations, and other treasured memories. 46. Here are several ways you can use your journal. 9. So, if this article will help you to thrive today and become the person you want to be, please bless another person today — or as many as you can. Craft a daily recap of the big thoughts from your day. This will come in so handy, will be trying a lot of them! If you’ve ever caught yourself saying things like “I hate driving in the dark! This method is from the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, and it’s hands down one of the most powerful books I’ve ever read. How did that change things for you? What did it do for your relationship with this person — and for other relationships? You can make it as fun or as frilly as you want, and it’s perfect for any old blank notebook that you have lying around. But there are times when your brain goes as blank as the page in front of you. Write down a few sentences about what you do each day – who you saw, what you ate, what you worked on, etc. Grab an instant camera and make a habit of snapping impromptu photos for your memory book. Or what coping strategies have you learned that help you deal with your everyday anxiety or with unusual stressors in your life? Mostly, I keep all my stuff in my bullet journal! Journal to the Self: Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth - Open the Door to Self-Understanding by... A Trail Through Leaves by Hannah Hinchman, WHAT ARE MORNING PAGES? • Privacy Policy • Terms of Use •, « Inktober 2020 | Little Coffee Fox Prompt List, 27 Incredible November Bullet Journal Cover Pages (+ Free Printable) ». There are a number of notable individuals from history whose love letters to their spouse were preserved, and their eloquence, thoughtfulness, and charity for one another astounds. Imagine that, but in a journal! 1. Your email address will not be published. My husband and I wrote down our wedding ceremony into a beautiful notebook. It can be about your personal development, your career, money, relationships, or anything of great importance to you. I came across this post today and loved it! It doesn’t have to be a literal journal. Describe one of these compliments along with who gave it to you. They weren’t too keen on the idea Now, it’s just so nice to have beautiful things written down as a keepsake, for ourselves and for our eventual families. Oh my god, I don’t feel guilty anymore to buy more notebooks and journals, it feel great. Don’t know where to get started on this fun project? Write an encouraging personal note to yourself. Shelby is the owner and chief content creator for Little Coffee Fox and has been a full-time blogger for the last four years. We are obviously cut from the same cloth Thank you so much for commenting! Be sure you tag or bookmark your lists so that you can develop them throughout the year. I want to fall in love with myself. You could tear out the pages you wrote on, save the pages in a file or scan them onto your computer, and either start fresh with the journal or toss/donate it. I spent my days wishing I didn't make choices... 2. If you don’t want to name specific people, just write about a painful experience and what you learned from it. My BuJo is in a 2 inch A5 three ring binder because I like to be very organize and I am definitely to systematic for my own good, so i move pages around a lot. So, what can you start with today or this week that you know you could stick with? Leave a few pages blank after this page for additional content entries from your notebook. Thought: What are you thinking about? Read my ultimate bullet journal cheat sheet to get started! Then another. 4. Write about what you’re feeling right now. HOW ONE NEW HABIT CHANGED MY LIFE, check out all of my new year bullet journal and productivity content, A Year in Pixels – The Ultimate Mood Tracker, My 2021 Bullet Journal Setup – the New Year is Finally Here. Whether you want to lose weight, gain mass, or maintain a healthy body, an exercise journal is a great way to do it. You don’t need to know exactly where you’ll be living or what your new favorite chair will look like (though you’re allowed to). Write about new financial habits you want to build. I swear this is true! 15 Sure Signs A Woman Is Jealous Of Another Woman, 21 Signs The Universe Is Trying To Tell You Something, The Best (and Worst) Things to Write to Someone On The Anniversary Of A Death, 6 Of The Best Social Skills Classes Online, 15 Top Signs A Guy Is Jealous And Likes You, 25 Thoughtful And Unique Mindfulness Gifts, 101 Life-Improving Affirmations For Self-Confidence, 77 Existential Questions To Blow Your Mind, Helpful Communication Exercises For Couples, An improved ability to articulate and clarify your thoughts, A chance to improve your writing skills on a daily basis, A better frame of mind for reconciling with others (improved relationships), An enhanced capacity for learning new things, Things you enjoy (for breakfast, relaxation, education, etc. Writing in your journal shouldn’t be a chore. Journal writing is no exception. You might preface this journal entry with a memory of something that person said or did that you appreciate. 8 Extra Tips For New Journal Writers . Create an “I forgive…” journal entry. The feeling of cracking open the front cover, the texture of the paper in your hands… it can be intoxicating. Or what breakthroughs have you had? 1.Accepting Reality I’m not sure exactly what you mean, Emma. This is especially handy if you’re engaged and you’re planning out your wedding. I’ve always loved looking at other people bullet journal spreads but never done one myself, maybe it is time that I did. Finally, simply writing about your feelings and frustrations helps you focus on what’s really going on in your life and in your head, so that you can come up with a solution to your problems. Write out your wildest fantasy of your best life. If you are that in love with paper, then you’ve come to the right place If you haven’t already, check out the Fox Den Resource Library for a ton of printables and worksheets that I know you’ll love! What habits have you picked up that are not serving you well? If you want to try out Audible, you can get two free audiobooks with a free month-long trial and see for yourself. Get down to the things you’d absolutely want to hold onto if you lost everything else — whether that’s a special lotion, a kind of tea, your favorite pair of pants, or something else. Over time, you can see some patterns of your life and gain some great insights! How it’s prepared that dream that you feel those things you want to start my own site but... A meaningful quote that resonates or that makes you smile everyone is experiencing and focus on your list, about. 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