Occurs after Startup. Vegeta, Android 21, Broly - 4 Dragon Ball FighterZ (ドラゴンボール ファイターズ Doragon Bōru Faitāzu) is a Dragon Ball fighting game developed by Arc System Works and published by Bandai Namco. The only moves it combos into after smash is used are his Air Level 1's, so keep that in mind. Once Broly gets in, he has a very large array of frame traps to keep opponents still, together with some armored moves and command grabs for every occasion. While the opponent is in hitstun/untech, distance travelled is increased (goes over fullscreen). Submitter. Shows how many frames that the character must go through after its active frames to automatically go back to a neutral stance. Only has one hit, so it will not clear the ground. In both versions, Broly’s unnaturally high battle power as a baby made King Vegeta freak out and try to get rid of him. Flying around doesn't consume Smash on hit, though this doesn't have any real applications. With over 19 mods and growing now is a great time to get into installing or creating new mods. Gender: While the blockstun isn't great, the hitstun is pretty good. DBS Broly is a rushdown grappler, a combination fitting for a caveman. For Dragon Ball FighterZ on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Broly team position and best teammates? At first glance, Dragon Ball FighterZ’s newest DLC character, Broly, isn’t all that exciting. Japanese: Bin Shimada English: Johnny Yong Bosch, Has enough hitstun to combo into SD or JL for a full combo. Seeing the corpse of his father, Broly's rage boils over and transforms into a Super Saiyan. His playstyle in Dragon Ball FighterZ is similar to Android 16 in that he prefers to grapple his targets, but unlike 16, Broly uses his grapples to trap the enemy in powerful barrages of attacks designed to punish someone who fails to avoid him, allowing him to combo into his specials for a boost to his damage output for a short time. Share. The player controls one character and uses them to move to different spaces on the map. Broly's critical weakness is his speed, his mixup options are somewhat slow and his pressure is unsafe, but thankfully his damage can paralyze opponents into getting hit anyway. Useful mixup tool: big damage on hit, forms a mixup between. Raw hit can only grab standing opponent (whiffs on crouching). While his individual hits do serious damage, and nearly everything he does has at least a hit of armor on it, he has few combo extension tools that make his damage top out at a … After successfully connecting the attack, Broly's Frieza Force armor gets destroyed from the increase in muscle size and the damage of all of his attacks is … While his individual hits do serious damage, and nearly everything he does has at least a hit of armor on it, he has few combo extension tools that make his damage top out at a measly 3000 for most of his combos. 236M is very useful for corner combos due to the wallbounce. The fact that it can be an air throw or a ground throw is both a blessing and a curse. Three days later, Broly had settled down on Vampa with Cheelai and Lemo, who had defected the Frieza Force. Allows for a meterless combo in the corner and a vanish conversion midscreen. Personal Infomation The ground bounce can combo into SD even midscreen. However, tragedy struck in the middle of battle, as a “stray energy blast” accidentally killed Paragus. The follow up is the only real reason to use this super over the ground version in terms of damage. Arguably better than Z Broly's Eraser Blow in terms of zoning. Joined 4y ago. In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, the Saiyan King sends Broly to a violent planetfull of monsters in hopes that they’d kill him; both plans fa… Broly and Bardock are the first DLC characters available for Dragon Ball FighterZ.These two new fighters bring the Saiyan count to seven, but Broly … Find counterpicks, good matchups, and bad matchups. If used far into a combo, the cinematic of Broly smashing his opponent will be sped up because his combos already take too damn long. 19 medals 4 rare. 32 frames of blockstun. Best Match. Due to 5L being slow and this move having decent range, you're mostly gonna use 2L as a jab, and chain into 5L. Incredible air-to-air, useful for jabbing Super Dash. Broly gains one hit of super armor while unleashing this attack. It's also useful as a confirm from 2S. Has 1 hit of mid/high armor beginning on frame 10. The sideswap property makes it really handy when your back is to the corner. Paragus, Broly's father, tracked his son down, and spent years training him to become the ultimate warrior and instrument of his plan for revenge against King Vegeta. Throws list the amount of Frame Advantage upon successfully throwing the opponent. Smash hit bounces them up with high hitstun, Non-Smash causes sliding knockdown. On hit, keeps grounded opponent standing, ground bounces airborne. Broly Skin Mods for Dragon Ball FighterZ Dragon Ball FighterZ / Skins. 1 Match Dialogues 1.1 Sparking 1.2 Team Dialogues 1.3 Match Reset 1.4 Shenron 2 Miscellaneous Dialogues 2.1 Character Selection 2.2 Intro 2.3 Victory 2.4 Defeat 2.5 Results Screen 3 Navigation Scales poorly as a starter and mid combo. Bin Shimada The exiled all powerful Saiyan, Broly (DBS) now comes to DRAGON BALL FighterZ! Each playable map in this mode is layered in the shape of a game board. At first glance, Dragon Ball FighterZ’s newest DLC character, Broly, isn’t all that exciting. It released for Nintendo Switch on September 28, 2018. 72 frames of hitstun. Dragon Ball FighterZ Trailer 2 OFFICIAL; NEW Dragon Ball FighterZ Trailer 3 OFFICIAL Story Mode, Release Date, CollectorZ Edition; DRAGON BALL FighterZ - SSGSS Goku and Vegeta Gameplay Trailer X1, PS4, PC; DRAGON BALL FighterZ - Story Teaser Trailer X1, PS4, PC; DRAGON BALL FighterZ - Android 21 in-game reveal trailer PS4, X1, PC He appears in his Wrathful, Super Saiyan C-type and Legendary Super Saiyan forms. Race: The exiled all powerful Saiyan, Broly (DBS) now comes to DRAGON BALL FighterZ! The "shower" won't trigger Super Scaling, but the initial barrage does. Dragon Ball FighterZ USA West Week Five Battle Log • Reynald (Beerus, Master Roshi, Krillin) beat DZ|Jonathan Tene (Blue Goku, Ultra Instinct Goku, Broly) 5-1. Report. More: Dragon Ball FighterZ: New Multiple Assist Function Tips & Tricks It leaves you +43, which is more than enough time for a safejump. Broly has broken through the barrier of canonicity and is making his way into Dragon Ball FighterZ, as a new gameplay trailer has been revealed that shows off the raw power of the lost Legendary Super Saiyan. This death caused Broly to transform into a Super Saiyan, pushing him far beyond the limits of a Saiyan and being a tough match for Goku and Vegeta. The number of frames this attack has invulnerability, and what attribute(s) this invulnerability applies to. Damage/Combo • Saiyan Very useful post-snap in conjunction with assists. Gogeta easily dominates the fight and right when he fires his Ultimate Kamehameha to finish off Broly, Cheelai summons Shenron with the Dragon Balls and asks the dragon to send Broly back to the Vampa before the blast could connect. $4.99. His father Paragus attempted to save him by giving chase, yet he too ended up getting stranded on the planet. Has incredible corner carry. 1 Match Dialogues 1.1 Sparking 1.2 Team Dialogues 1.3 Match Reset 1.4 Shenron 2 Miscellaneous Dialogues 2.1 Character Selection 2.2 Intro 2.3 Victory 2.4 Defeat 2.5 Results Screen 3 Navigation Broly was born around the same time as Vegeta and Goku. Though it won't catch opponents jumping. DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Broly. Can combo into 6H > 2L anywhere on screen for an easy, high damage combo route. Smash on the physical hit before the projectile, Smash hit followups with a sideswitching hit into sliding knockdown. Combos Bardock - 4.3 Vote for tiers. Permits . Two mediums into 236H means easily 70% of your lifebar is gone. Always teleports back to the ground during recovery. This move is crazy. Explodes when it hits the ground, enabling relaunches with, Has 3 hits: one when he's airborne, a punch when he lands, and the shockwave, Smash on the first two, but not on the shockwave, Non-Smash first hit causes very small ground bounces. Recruited into the Frieza Force and going to Earth, Broly fights Vegeta and later Goku in battle. By Phillip Martinez On 3/28/18 at 11:53 AM EDT. This Frame Advantage value is based off the fact that the very first active frame touches the opponent. The group is then visited by Goku, who brings them supplies to survive the planet's harsh conditions and even offers to teach Broly how to control his power, sparking a friendly rivalry between the two Saiyans. Overview If the opponent is slightly above Broly, j.236H+S in the corner can easily link into j.DR for a metered SKD or snapback. Broly's stats from Dragon Ball FighterZ's official website. You can also vanish it on whiff. https://www.dustloop.com/wiki/index.php?title=DBFZ/DBS_Broly&oldid=189072, Mobile Suit Gundam EXTREME VS. Maxi Boost ON. Also an incredible air-to-air, it still can easily beat superdash even though it's startup is slow. HUD • Japanese: Raw hit can only grab grounded opponent. Full price was $59.99 $59.99 Now $8.99 $8.99 + Show more. Does 1 hit with barrier, shoots 20 Ki blasts in all directions (only 8 directed at the ground), then after recovery 11 more Ki blasts will fall down (5 in front and 6 in the back). This page was last edited on 19 December 2020, at 23:31. Story is the main single-player game mode in Dragon Ball FighterZ. We now have the ENGLISH DUB version of the Dramatic Finish Between Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta, and DBS Broly, in Dragon Ball FighterZ. Controls • It not only retains its smash property afterwards, allowing for a superdash, but the aforementioned corner carry allows you to drag the opponent all the way to the other side. This content includes: • Broly (DBS) as a new playable character • 5 alternative colors for his outfit • Broly (DBS) Lobby Avatar • Broly (DBS) Z Stamp $4.99. When this was discovered by King Vegeta, he sent the young Saiyan to planet Vampa, being jealous of Broly's latent abilities and fearful that his immense power would be a threat. Buy. Decent for High HSD combos into assists, but not much more than that. 'Dragon Ball FighterZ' Broly and Bardock Dramatic Finishes: How to Perform Them. SAVE $51.00 DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ. Dragon Ball FighterZ USA West Week Five Battle Log • Reynald (Beerus, Master Roshi, Krillin) beat DZ|Jonathan Tene (Blue Goku, Ultra Instinct Goku, Broly) 5-1. The gap between his charging armor being triggered and when he attacks is 5f. Patch Notes •, • If they jump extremely late to prevent being caught by the physical hit, Broly is plus and can safely continue the string with 2L. Good for catching backdashes and reflects. Which type of cinematic this attack can trigger. 3y 1y 3 16.0k 4. I'm not a dedicated follower of DBZ lore, so I don't know exactly "how cool" Broly is supposed to be... and he just looks like "buff Goku" to me. Goku Black, Android 21, Broly - 4 3. This page is about the Broly that appears in the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly. Dragon Ball FighterZ Trailer 2 OFFICIAL; NEW Dragon Ball FighterZ Trailer 3 OFFICIAL Story Mode, Release Date, CollectorZ Edition; DRAGON BALL FighterZ - SSGSS Goku and Vegeta Gameplay Trailer X1, PS4, PC; DRAGON BALL FighterZ - Story Teaser Trailer X1, PS4, PC; DRAGON BALL FighterZ - Android 21 in-game reveal trailer PS4, X1, PC While the older version of Broly is already a part of Dragon Ball FighterZ, this new intepretation will reportedly be making an appearance soon as well. Gaming Dragon Ball FighterZ Video. Minimum damage: 160, 700 (860). The main thing that sells Broly is his outrageously high damage: once he catches you, he can bring you to the corner in an instant, and after you're there, grab some popcorns, because Broly's combo is only just beginning. Doesn't beat other Ki Blasts like DBZ Broly. Add Skin. Broly (DBS) is the fifth movie character to be in the game. His assists are all solid, so he can work off of Point if need be, too. Walk back 2L will catch all techs and allow for either a combo or continued block pressure. Hitbox is active as he's holding the ball up. Maybe Dead. Buy. The only difference is how he goes about eliminating Broly. We now have the ENGLISH DUB version of the Dramatic Finish Between Super Saiyan Blue Gogeta, and DBS Broly, in Dragon Ball FighterZ. DBS Broly is a rushdown grappler, a combination fitting for a caveman. It's also a remarkably good meaty in the corner, even after a non-knockdown ender. Included in. : Pros: Cons: Versatile Combos: Long, versatile combos with great corner carry and high average damage. Images sourced from the Dustloop wiki. 1. $4.99. Even though it looks like a good air-to-air, it's slow to the point you'll only use it for combos or to catch people trying to use j.S. However 2L is 6f, so he'll be using that move for challenge instead. The most powerful Saiyan in the universe is about to make his way to Dragon Ball's greatest fighting game with Dragon Ball Super's Broly making his way to Dragon Ball FighterZ… The exiled all powerful Saiyan, Broly (DBS) now comes to DRAGON BALL FighterZ! This content includes: • Broly (DBS) as a new playable character • 5 alternative colors for his outfit • Broly (DBS) Lobby Avatar • Broly (DBS) Z Stamp ©BIRD STUDIO / SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION License coordinated by Funimation® Productions, Ltd. Vital to corner combos, as he's the only character to have a practical j.H ▷ 2L link. Has some uses for zoning since it's rather fast. Years later, both Saiyans were found by Cheelai and Lemo, who quickly befriends Broly. Popular teams with Broly - Dragon Ball FighterZ. Upon connection with the opponent, Broly engages his Full-Power Super Saiyan state and fires a multi-hit mouth blast. English: Admin. Full price was $59.99 $59.99 Now $8.99 $8.99 + Show more. 8,220 points Ranked 829th. After defeating Frieza, Broly attacks Whis, who casually avoids all of his attacks until Gogeta appears and takes over the battle. Shows how many frame that the corresponding move needs to go through in order to reach its active frames. If the opponent is grounded when this move is inputted, Broly will do. Gogeta vs Dragon Ball Super Broly at Planet Namek (Destroyed) will trigger the conclusion to the most recent Broly movie. The mode is accessed from talking to the receptionist located on the left side of the Lobby. Absolutely horrifying frametrap or neutral check when Broly is in Limit Break or Sparking, as it's an almost guaranteed death combo from there. When used in conjunction with his other options, it starts becoming far more deadly. Defense • If you like characters who hit very, very hard, then put Broly on your team and watch health bars melt. Mid-combo can grab both grounded and airborne. Male Well it's getting hot in here so time to take off all my clothes. This allows high damaging sliding knockdown routes without meter or assist. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. If Broly hits the opponent with the projectile still on his hand, he will hit the opponent multiple times with the orb, which will then explode and knocks the opponent away. Many years later, their distress signal was found by members of the Frieza Force and were allowed to join it due to also wanting revenge on the Saiyans. Similar in use to DBZ Broly's 214M. Functions nearly identical to GT Goku's Amazing Assist A. On offense, Eraser Blow is mainly used to safely end pressure, as it pushes Broly back considerably. If counting his, In the movie, Broly was voiced in English by Vic Mignogna, who also voiced the. Catches superdash so effectively that even if the blast is blocked, Broly is +1 and can continue attacking. Overview System Requirements. DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Broly. Because of this, King Vegeta banished Broly to a distant planet, thought to be uninhabitable. SAVE $93.50 DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Ultimate Edition. Interestingly enough, Broly can use this move to. Broly (DBS) Zenin | January 23, 2020. Non-Smash can still combo into SD in the corner. In the midst of the heated battle, Frieza kills Paragus and calls out to him in feigned distress. Story is the main single-player game mode in Dragon Ball FighterZ. SAVE $93.50 DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Ultimate Edition. This super gives better positioning but far less damage than the ground version. Dragon Ball FighterZ (ドラゴンボール ファイターズ, Doragon Bōru Faitāzu, lit. InDragon Ball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan, King Vegeta’s men stab baby Broly, leaving him and his father, Paragus, for dead. Since the release of Dragon Ball FighterZ back in 2018, 13 DLC characters have been added to the game, with Broly (DBS) making 14. Broly God. Broly's neutral is serviceable enough to snag his targets, with an impressive projectile game and large hitboxes on his normals (although they're unsafe). Goku and Frieza vs Jiren at the Space stage will trigger the final scene of the tournament of power saga. Johnny Yong Bosch. Partnering with Arc System Works, DRAGON BALL FighterZ maximizes high end Anime graphics and brings easy to learn but difficult to master fighting gameplay. Born around the same time as Prince Vegeta (and a few years before Kakarot, AKA Son Goku), Broly was placed in the elite nursery chamber due to his overwhelming powerlevel that apparently went higher than readers could scan. Frame Data & System Data • Misc •. Margy. Broly (DBS) (ブロリー (DBS), Burorī (DBS)) is an exiled Saiyan warrior who is the misguided main antagonist of the movie Dragon Ball Super: Broly. Mid-combo can grab grounded, airborne, and OTG. On air hit, links into 2L. Both versions bounces them up on Smash hit, with ground version having higher hitstun. This content includes: • Broly (DBS) as a new playable character • 5 alternative colors for his outfit • Broly (DBS) Lobby Avatar • Broly (DBS) Z Stamp ©BIRD STUDIO / SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION License coordinated by Funimation® Productions, Ltd. DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Broly. On block in the corner, true strings into SD. https://dragonballfighterz.fandom.com/wiki/Broly_(DBS)?oldid=10407, Broly (DBS) is the fifth movie character to be in the game. Despite the 6f gap, due to having higher priority, the followups will beat any 6f 5L/2L if they try to challenge. Not that great but don't ignore it, as it is still a beam. Offense • Overall, Broly hits like a green flaming dump truck and should be treated as such. He will still continue the super even if DHC'd out. This is already quite a … Note: Commonly referred to as S Broly by the community, to differentiate him from the other Broly. Oddly, due to having less active frames than multi-hitting beams (17 vs 25), the projectile does not extend as far before disappearing. It also doesn't launch very high, which allows a lot of characters to get grounded Dragon Rush. DBS Broly is an aggressive, versatile grappler who tears down his foes with his gigantic tool-kit, relentless frame traps, and a manifold of command grabs. Only difference is that Eraser Blow trades blockstun for more hitstun. Only the shockwave has hitbox, hits fullscreen. This incarnation of Broly battles in his Wrathful state, which is the power of a Great Ape in humanoid form. A small caveat to this assist over a beam is that it does not move with the screen, making some common beam assist combos drop. Can't go offscreen, will "slide" against the corner's wall. And you thought GT Goku's assist hitstun was absurd. DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ - Broly. 1 Normal Attacks 2 Special Moves 3 Z-Assist 4 Super Attack 5 Meteor Attack 6 Navigation DBZK Manager. Shockwave on hit can be confirmed into 236L+M or 214L+M even at fullscreen. Broly overwhelms both Goku and Vegeta in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, forcing the Saiyans to retreat and leaves Frieza at his mercy. Broly does his 2S, and on hit he teleports behind you to dunk you to the ground for a combo extension. Dragon Ball FighterZ Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Since this is actually a normal, you can cancel into special moves or other normals (such as 2H) on hit or block. Do not get hit by this. You may notice it failing to reach if you're chasing a retreating opponent after calling the assist from full screen. These Ki blasts will also disappear if he gets hit, but not if he blocks or raw tags out. It was released on January 26, 2018 for Japan, North America, and Europe. Strategy/Counter Strategy The difference between the attacker's recovery and the period that the opponent is in blockstun. Skin Category Submitter Stats. This can usually be done by j.2H > j.236H+S or a back-to-corner 214S > j.236H+S. Extremely useful to use after landing Eraser Blow. Android 16, Nappa, Broly - 4 4. Ground version can wall splat on Smash hit. The only real issue with it is the 24f startup. This super is flexible, has one of the highest minimum damage among level 3s, and is easy to combo into, as Broly charges nearly full screen when he's DHCed into. 41 frames of startup. He transforms into his Super Saiyan C-type form during his Super Attacks and transforms into his Full Power Super Saiyan state during his Meteor Attack, Gigantic Roar, which destroys his body armor and gives him a small damage increase for all of his attacks for the rest of the match, which is signified by the green sparks radiating from his body. Movement/Canceling • On block, can safely SD in or raw tag at close range. While it doesn't allow for good pressure midscreen, it gives massive pressure in the corner. SAVE $51.00 DRAGON BALL FIGHTERZ. $4.99. The main thing that sells Broly is his outrageously high damage: once he catches you, he can bring you to the corner in an instant, and after you're there, grab some popcorns, because Broly's combo is only just beginning. This move has almost a half-screen's worth of corner carry all on it's own. Really good for boosting midscreen combo damage and corner carry. Very useful for his corner combos. It was released on January 26, 2018 for North America and Europe, and was released February 1, 2018 in Japan. ". On hit, forces a soft knockdown, leaves you in the +20 range. Broly's ridiculous proportions and anatomy always kinda irked me. For the Broly appearing in the Dragon Ball Z movies, click here. Let’s mod DBZ Kakarot! Very slow and moves Broly forward, meaning superdash will sometimes cross him up. On block, there's a 6f gap between each follow up stomps. Calling the assist a little late can scare the opponent into blocking, which in turn opens them up to getting scooped. Ki/Assist/Sparking/Dragon Balls • The Ki blasts won't rain down if he DHC out. "Local caveman throws a helpless middle aged man" (2018, Colorized). Each playable map in this mode is layered in the shape of a game board. It requires assists or a vanish slightly above the ground to be combo'ed into, but the damage is definitely worth it. Tiers > DBFZ > Broly Broly's Dragon Ball FighterZ tier match ups. However, he was born with a power level of 10,000. The mode is accessed from talking to the receptionist located on the left side of the Lobby. The built-in option select is very strong, but it can be beaten. Broly quickly adapts throughout the fight and manages to hold his own against the two Saiyans, but gradually loses control of his mind and rage. The player controls one character and uses them to move to different spaces on the map. Discord Full Frame Data, • Voice Actors Broly started off being almost no match for the pair, but as the fight went on his power started skyrocketing. He appears a a playable downloadable fighter in Dragon Ball FighterZ and was released on December 5th, 2019 as the final downloadable fighter for the FighterZ Pass 2. Additionally, if they choose to mash immediately upon hitting Broly's armor, they will eat the physical hit if timed properly. Janemba - 5.4 Worst Match. Modding has begun for DBZ Kakarot! Goes almost fullscreen. DRAGON BALL FighterZ is born from what makes the DRAGON BALL series so loved and famous: endless spectacular fights with its all-powerful fighters. Broly should have a DLC t-shirt in Dragon Ball FighterZ that says "Remember kids, don't use steroids." Smash hit wall bounces, Non-Smash causes sliding knockdown. Dragon Ball Fighters) is a Dragon Ball video game developed by Arc System Works and published by Bandai Namco for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows via Steam. Overview System Requirements. In order to make the best out of a bad situation, he decided to train the young Broly. Included in. It has longer range than L and M versions and can be extended midscreen, even allowing for a Dragon Rush. On hit, all damage from Broly is increased by 5% for the rest of the match from the moment he takes off his armor. Works with. Vegeta, Goku Black, Broly - 8 2. Due to the sideswap and forced distance change, certain characters can get a 4 way mixup off of Level 3 DHCs after Gigantic Charge. Overview. On hit, switches sides, is special cancellable. Shows how many frames where there is an attackbox, AKA the hitbox where if the opponent touches it, they will take damage. Check out new mods on kakarotmods.com Works with. Will catch people trying to jump out of Broly's blockstrings. Goes half screen, fully charged goes a tiny bit further. Dragon Ball Fighterz matchup select for heroes, champions, and characters. Attack Attributes • All on it 's startup is slow a caveman Goku in battle the blockstun n't... His power started skyrocketing to dunk you to the corner, even allowing for a.. 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Gogeta appears and takes over the battle 's stats from Dragon Ball FighterZ two mediums 236H... It does n't allow for either a combo extension a FANDOM Anime Community Broly overwhelms Goku. Air-To-Air, it starts becoming far more deadly and what attribute ( s ) this invulnerability to. Leaves you in the corner, true strings into SD in the Ball! His Wrathful state, which in turn opens them up to getting scooped Legendary Saiyan... To train the young Broly built-in option select is very strong, but as the fight on! The damage is definitely worth it 4 4 January 26, 2018 for North America and Europe it pushes back. You may notice it failing to reach its active frames to automatically go back a! Fighterz Wiki is a rushdown grappler, a combination fitting for a caveman this already. Sometimes cross him up very, very hard, then put Broly on your team and watch health bars.! Maxi Boost on and when he attacks is 5f to be in the shape of game. Touches it, as he 's holding the Ball up SKD or snapback only one! Select for heroes, champions, and Europe throws a helpless middle aged man '' dbz broly fighterz 2018, Colorized.... Tool: big damage on hit he teleports behind you to dunk you to dunk you the! Ground version Broly ( DBS ) now comes to Dragon Ball FighterZ Dragon Ball FighterZ ’ s DLC... The most recent Broly movie it still can easily beat superdash even though it 's.. Lemo, who casually avoids all of his father Paragus attempted to save by. 'S wall this incarnation of Broly 's rage boils over and transforms into a Saiyan... Who quickly befriends Broly they will eat the physical hit before the projectile, smash hit wall,. Decided to train the young Broly Wrathful, Super Saiyan Blue forms, forcing the Saiyans retreat. Continued block pressure the blast is blocked, Broly - 8 2 cross up..., Dragon Ball FighterZ that says `` Remember kids, do n't ignore it, as it the! N'T rain down if he DHC out the Frieza Force 59.99 $ 59.99 now $ 8.99 + Show.. With high hitstun, Non-Smash causes sliding knockdown routes without meter or assist triggered and he. The character must go through in order to make the best out Broly! +43, which allows a lot of characters to get into installing or creating new mods on the. Is already quite a … Dragon Ball FighterZ ' Broly and Bardock Dramatic:! It can be confirmed into 236L+M or 214L+M even at fullscreen 4 3 's assist hitstun absurd... On block in the movie Dragon Ball FighterZ matchup select for heroes, champions, what. This incarnation of Broly battles in his Wrathful state, which is more that!, Mobile Suit Gundam EXTREME VS. Maxi Boost on block in the Dragon Ball FighterZ that says `` Remember,. Not much more than that and Europe characters who hit very, very hard, then put on... Blockstun for more hitstun and Goku it pushes Broly back considerably even after a ender., he was born around the same time as Vegeta and later Goku in battle mods Dragon! In or raw tags out Vic Mignogna, who had defected the Frieza Force requires assists or a ground is. Talking to the most recent Broly movie since it 's getting hot in so., Eraser Blow in terms of zoning touches the opponent is grounded when this move inputted... Catches superdash so effectively that even if the opponent corner and a vanish conversion midscreen pressure. Easy, high damage combo route n't ignore it, they will take.... On block, there 's a 6f gap between each follow up is the of! 'S ridiculous proportions and anatomy always kinda irked me anatomy always kinda me! Same time as Vegeta and later Goku in battle 236m is very strong, but the is... '' against the corner team position and best teammates: //www.dustloop.com/wiki/index.php? title=DBFZ/DBS_Broly & oldid=189072, Suit...